100 items 100 baskets divisor association analysis problem
I have the following exercise question:
Suppose there are 100 items, numbered 1 to 100, and also 100 baskets, also numbered 1 to 100. Item i is in basket b if and only if i divides b with no remainder. Thus, item 1 is in all the baskets, item 2 is in all fifty of the even-numbered baskets, etc. for example Basket 12 consists of items {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12}
Given this, I'm trying to solve the following 3 questions:
(a) If the support threshold is 5, which items are frequent?
(b) what is the confidence of the following association rules?
(1) {5, 7} → 2.
(2) {2, 3, 4}→ 5.
which way I should be approaching these types of questions?
Topic market-basket-analysis data-mining
Category Data Science