I have created one main Page(Home Page) and many custom links in wp-admin. All custom links are linked to sections of Home Page. Example: Custom link About Us has a URL = #section1 and in my code I have linked it to: <div id="section1"> Text </div> In my CSS I have used .current-menu-item to highlight clicked link in menu: .site-header div.nav-wrap nav ul li.current-menu-item a:link, .site-header div.nav-wrap nav ul li.current-menu-item a:visited { color: #fff; text-shadow: -1px 1px 8px #ffc, 1px …
On a wordpress index page, I am only allowed to add 12 galleries. I would like to add many more. Is there a way that I can expand the gallery limit allowed on index pages? If this is not possible, is there a way that I can add multiple index pages to a folder page? Thank you for any help
Hello I made a custom theme and moved it from MAMP to a cloud server. For some reason the CSS is an empty file. File path is correct, checked the file in cPanel and it has the full .css sheet. But when I go to console and follow the path it is just empty. My .js file loads fine and I beleive i enqueued the paths properly. Any help is greatly appreciated and thank you for your time! Functions <?php …
So my backend is loading as just a bullet list, front end seems to be working fine. I'm not sure what made this happen. I've checked WordPress Integrity and it says it's fine. I've Reinstalled WordPress Core but it does nothing. Debugging shows nothing wrong. I've deactivated everything that does nothing to fix it. please help I can't seem to find any solutions for this problem as I can't find anyone else that has had this problem...
On my archive page is a sidebar which has a style I want to edit. On my local machine, the style is in wc-blocks-style.css. I edited it successfully and it renders fine. However, after deployment of the website to CPanel, the style is being rendered from an online wc-blocks-style.css. The style link is as follows: <link rel='stylesheet' id='wc-blocks-style-css' href='https://c0.wp.com/p/woocommerce/6.5.1/packages/woocommerce-blocks/build/wc-blocks-style.css' media='all' />. All other Woocommerce styles are also loaded from this online repository. My question is, how do I make my …
I want disable one specific page of the default css, and i want use my css on the specific page. I don't know it is posibble? I use Blank State plugin, for create blank page, but css its on the blank pages, but i want my css use on the specific blank pages. https://wordpress.org/plugins/blank-slate/ So, i have one page, that name: test-area-7 Code: add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_script', 99); function my_script() { if(is_page( 'test-area-7' )){ wp_dequeue_script('fpw_styles_css'); } } EDITED add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_script', 99); function …
I'm using the Background Manager Wordpress plugin (http://wordpress.org/plugins/background-manager/) and I'm trying to display a custom element on the page that I have not been able to find any help on as of yet, including with their forums. The plugin outputs a full-screen background, which includes alt text, and I'm wondering if there's a way I can display the alt text on the page in a DIV? The code that displays on the page currently is: <!-- Background Manager Start --> …
In a WP site developed with a custom theme, I saw that font size of the paragraph tag seems to be defined in /wp-content/themes/nameofcustomtheme/style.css?ver=1.1.11 I have tried to change font-size to 18px in style.css located there, but now the inspector says that is defined by a css file located at /?sccss=1&ver=4.6 And that the font size remains 16px. How could I change the paragraph tag font size?
Is it possible to perform str_replace inside an enqueue stylesheet? i can do str_replace on inline style with this function function replace_text($text) { $text = str_replace('background-image', 'background', $text); return $text; } add_filter('the_content', 'replace_text'); is it possible to perform the same action inside style.css file ? wp-content/plugins/assets/style.css
I'm using the Gutenslider plugin on my home page to display some graphic design samples. However, I don't see an option to position the captions below the slide image. Guten drops them smack in the middle of the image. I launched the dev tools in the tab I'm previewing in and if I add absolute positioning to the (caption) paragraph element or its container, I end up pushing the caption downward, but it eventually disappears when it goes beyond the …
I'm working with the Astra theme and I'm looking at my Typography settings in the Customizer. All of the elements (body, H1, H2, etc) have the Font Family set to Inherit. Where do I find the actual font family that these are all inheriting from, in case I want to change this? LMK if you need more information.
I have a select box with 2 options. In the selct area the options are green for 1 red for 2 I had been able to set green also as the color for the predefined option. Now I would like to change this due to the incoming selection. That means, if someone has 1 as predefined selection the color of the appearing conent of the shown select box should be green and if some has 2 as redefined selection the …
Alright so the website is completely perfect when I am logged into the WP-ADMIN page but if I log out of there, the website is completely messed up. All the formatting is broken and everything looks weird. You can see it for yourself here: https://www.CounterBoosting.com This is how it looks when logged in: https://s18.postimg.io/k4pviuh0n/after.png One thing to note is that /wp-admin suddenly leads to Page not found 404 and that I can only login using /wp-login.php Does anyone know what …
I'm having a problem in one site that I am making with wordpress/woocommerce, on product page I want to hide Size and Color from that section, unfortunately I did not succeed.
Is there a built-in Wordpress function that will allow you to enqueue all stylesheets for a particular theme? I have a directory structure that looks like: -my-custom-theme -css -header.css -footer.css -functions.php I want to load all CSS files found in the my-custom-theme/css folder
Is there a list of WordPress CSS id/classes that I can use to build plugin option screens that look and feel more like a normal WordPress option page? I have found some through serendipity but it would have been nice to have a list. An example is this class: button-primary That makes a button look like this:
I wasted quite some time already to fix this problem. I somehow have a Wordpress css file that overrides the css of my themes css. See attached image: At the top is the css which screws with my design. Below is the color I would actually want within the css file of my theme. I can edit the 2nd css file, but how can I edit the other file? Best regards Julian
I am trying to load my site's child theme's css after Bootstrap CDN css in wordpress. I tried using these code but it doesn't work. The Bootstrap css is not overriden. What should I do to fix that? function override_css() { wp_enqueue_style( 'bootstrap.min', 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'style', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array(), '1.0.0', true ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'override_css' );
I am very new to wordpress. I installed it on my linux server lately and uploaded a them on it. Everything looks good on my browser however if I try to access the website outside my network I am only getting the Text and not the CSS. I have read all different forum for the fix bt my problem still there. Here is my .htaccess # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} …
I like to know how I can remove these individually. <style id='wp-block-separator-inline-css'> @charset "UTF-8";.wp-block-separator{border-bottom:1px soli ... </style> WP has a feature to add inline JS and (and also CSS I think) to registered scripts/styles. So dequeue should work, but it does not. add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', __NAMESPACE__ . '\action_wp_enqueue_scripts', 99 ); function action_wp_enqueue_scripts() { wp_dequeue_style( 'wp-block-navigation' ); // Comes from a file and works wp_dequeue_style( 'wp-block-post-comments-form' ); // Comes from a file and works wp_dequeue_style( 'wp-block-seperator' ); // Does not work } …