I asked a similar question, well sort of similar. Basically I wanted to create custom post types with the ability to relate one or more post types to other post types. Here is an example as to what I mean. You can decide if you want to go this route or not.
A system that handles employee's for a mega corporation called MegaCorp.
We have the key required components:
An employee can belong to multiple projects. A project can have multiple tasks, but a task can only belong to one project.
Obviously this it how it could work. Using a plugin like Custom Post Types UI or one of the many others you would create the above components as post types. I prefer the plugin Easy Post Types but they all do the same thing.
You now want to download this plugin called Relation Post Types. There is another and better plugin called Posts 2 Posts by Scribu but unfortunately I couldn't work out how to use it, a bad day perhaps.
Now under settings in the Wordpress admin on the left hand side navigation you should see Relations as a sub-menu item. Set up what post types use what and then go from there.
The only downside to using Relation Post Types is that documentation is very VERY ambiguous, well more like non-existent. But basically to use it you merely calla function which will get the associated post ID's and then you can use get_posts($post_id) to fetch the related post info.
The function is: rpt_get_object_relation(postid, array('posttypeshere')); in one of my current projects I am using it the following way: $related_ids = rpt_get_object_relation($carousel->ID, array('artists')); (inside of a foreach loop) and it seems to get the job done.
I know this goes beyond you asked for, but I believe it can help. You're basically wanting to set up multiple post types and then associate one or more with one another.