A/B test on model - split on results
I developed a predictive model that assigns the best product (P1, P2, P3) for each customer. I wanted to compare the conversion rate using this model VS the as-is deterministic assignment, so I applied an A/B test: I decided the product between P1, P2, P3
- using the model on 50% of my users
- using the deterministic rules on the other 50%
and then I compared the different conversion rates.
My question is: is it correct to split the analysis on the test results by product? So I'd like to compare
- test CR on P1 VS control CR on P1
- same on P2, P3
I have a doubt since I'm using the model's results (so the product assignment) as the splitting feature. Is it correct, or am I introducing bias in the analysis?
Topic ab-test predictive-modeling
Category Data Science