Accidentally frosted my hybrid Oktoberfest
Following the suggestion of my LBS, I made an Oktoberfest using a hybrid yeast (Wyeast 2565) because I didn't have a lagering fridge set up yet--bought myself at least 2 weeks before needing to crash cool, and got a setup to chill in time. The problem is, when I did I accidentally chilled it a bit much--enough to make a layer of ice on the top (don't trust the thermometer enough for a reading to really matter).
I know that will obviously change the flavor (don't know how), but my concern is that the wyeast will not activate again for bottling. Since I can't provide the lowest temperature it hit, I know no answer is definitive, but what are the chances enough survived to bottle, and reasonably how cold can wyeast get before it won't reactivate--or is that dependent on the strain?
Topic crash-cool homebrew
Category Mac