ACF Gallery with Media Categories - how do display categories and sort
I would like to use something to filter images within an ACF Gallery. I have added the Enhanced Media Gallery Plugin which will allow me to assign a category to each image, but am not not clear on how to echo out that category list so it can be clicked and filter/display images in the category chosen.
Additionally, how would I echo the category assigned to the image in the div surrounding the image
My loop currently looks like this to output my gallery.
I would be grateful for any advice on the best way to assign categories to each image in my gallery (is a plugin best here?) and also how to grab those categories and sort. Thanks in Advance!
div class="wrapper-gallery" itemscope itemtype=""
$images = get_field('images');
if( $images ): ?
?php foreach( $images as $image ): ?
div class="gallery-image" id="imageGallery"
figure itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype=""
a href="?php echo $image['url']; ?" itemprop="contentUrl" data-size="?php echo $image['width'] . 'x' . $image['height']; ?"
img src="?php echo $image['sizes']['large']; ?" itemprop="thumbnail" alt="?php echo $image['alt']; ?" /
figcaption itemprop="caption description"?php echo $image['caption']; ?/figcaption
?php endforeach; ?
?php endif; ?