ACF Gut block broke wordpress default style?
When I add a new custom ACF gut block, he broke the default WP style:
After adding a custom block:
Example of ACF block:
'name' = 'rte-module',
'title' = __('RTE Module'),
'description' = __('A custom RTE module block.'),
'render_template' = 'template-parts/blocks/rte-module.php',
'category' = 'rte-module',
'icon' = 'admin-comments',
'keywords' = array( 'rte', 'module', 'text' ),
'mode' = 'edit',
'supports' = array('mode' = false),
'example' = array(
'attributes' = array(
'mode' = 'preview',
'data' = ['is_example' = true]
Topic block-editor admin-css advanced-custom-fields css Wordpress
Category Web