Add parameters vimeo videos using wordpress embeds
I am using a custom field to embed any supported video on Wordpress so for example the user enters a video address on the custom field box :
and I implemented the following code on my theme :
$videourl = my_meta('video'); // get custom field value
if($videourl!=''){ // if custom field exist ?
$htmlcode = wp_oembed_get("{$videourl}"); //use oembed
echo "div class='video'{$htmlcode}/div"; //output the video ?
the result/output is below :
iframe ... src=""/iframe
the problem is that I want to add extra parameters to the vimeo so I can hide the Title and Byline of the video by adding the following to the src :
so the final result will be :
iframe ... src=";byline=0amp;portrait=0"/iframe
I tried to user str_replace
but the problem is that the parameters are added to the end of each video src and the surce is going to be different each time,
really appreciate any help, thanks