Add parent menu item in sub-menu in custom nav_walker

Currently I'm working on a project where we need to append the parent title as first item in the submenu for a mobile menu.

What I try to achieve is this:

 ul class="menu"
     a href="linktomenu"Level 0 item/a
     ul class="submenu"
       lia href="linktoparent"Show All Level 0 item /a/li
       lia href="#0"Back to parent/a/li
       lia href="linktomenu"Level 1 item/a/li
       lia href="linktomenu"Level 1 item/a/li

This is the code I currently have


class mobilenav_walker_nav_menu extends Walker_Nav_Menu {

  private $color_idx = 0;

  // add classes to ul sub-menus
  function start_lvl( $output, $depth = 0, $args = Array()) {
    // depth dependent classes
    $indent = ( $depth  0  ? str_repeat( "\t", $depth ) : '' ); // code indent
    $display_depth = ( $depth + 1); // because it counts the first submenu as 0
    $classes = array(
                ( $display_depth % 2  ? 'menu-odd' : 'menu-even' ),
                ( $display_depth =2 ? 'sub-sub-menu' : '' ),
                'level-' . $display_depth
    $class_names = implode( ' ', $classes );

    $back_btn = '';

    if($display_depth  0){
      $parent_label = 'li class="go-back"a href="#0"span class="parent_label"/spani class="fa fa-close"/i/a/li';

      $back_btn = 'li class="see-all"a class="hit-area" href="#"Back/ai class="fa fa-chevron-left"/i/li';

    // build html
    $incri = $this-color_idx-1;
    $output .= "\n" . $indent . 'ul class="menu__level" data-menu="submenu-'.$incri.'"' .$parent_label.$back_btn. "\n";

  // add main/sub classes to li's and links
  function start_el( $output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array(), $id = 0 ) {

    global $wp_query;
    $indent = ( $depth  0 ? str_repeat( "\t", $depth ) : '' ); // code indent

    // depth dependent classes
    $depth_classes = array(
        ( $depth == 0 ? 'li0' : '' ),
        ( $depth == 1 ? 'li1' : '' ),
        ( $depth == 2 ? 'li2' : '' ),
        ( $depth == 3 ? 'li3' : '' ),
        ( $depth % 2 ? 'menu-item-odd' : 'menu-item-even' ),
        'menu-item-depth-' . $depth

      $has_children = 'data-has-children="1"';
      $has_children_var = 1;
      $depth_classes[] = 'has-children';
    } else{
      $has_children_var = 0;
      $depth_classes[] = 'no-children';

    $li_attributes = 'data-level="'.$depth.'" data-title="'.apply_filters( 'the_title', $item-title, $item-ID ).'" '.$has_children;

    $depth_class_names = esc_attr( implode( ' ', $depth_classes ) );

    // passed classes
    $classes = empty( $item-classes ) ? array() : (array) $item-classes;
    $class_names = esc_attr( implode( ' ', apply_filters( 'nav_menu_css_class', array_filter( $classes ), $item ) ) );

    // build html
    $output .= $indent . 'li class="menu__item"'.$li_attributes.'';

    // link attributes
    $attributes  = ! empty( $item-attr_title ) ? ' title="'  . esc_attr( $item-attr_title ) .'"' : '';
    $attributes .= ! empty( $item-target )     ? ' target="' . esc_attr( $item-target     ) .'"' : '';
    $attributes .= ! empty( $item-xfn )        ? ' rel="'    . esc_attr( $item-xfn        ) .'"' : '';
    if($has_children_var == 1){
      $attributes .= ' data-submenu="submenu-'.$this-color_idx.'"';
    $attributes .= ' class="menu__link"';

    $item_output = sprintf( '%1$sa%2$s%3$s%4$s%5$s/a%6$s',
      apply_filters( 'the_title', $item-title, $item-ID ),
      ($has_children_var == 1 ? $args-link_after : ''),

    // build html
    $output .= apply_filters( 'walker_nav_menu_start_el', $item_output, $item, $depth, $args );

    if($has_children_var == 1){

This is the current output I have

  ul id="menu-hoofdnavigatie" class="sidebar-menu level-0"
    li class="menu__item" data-level="0" data-title="Menu Item Level 0" data-has-children="1"a data-submenu="submenu-0" class="menu__link"Menu Item Level 0/a
      ul class="menu__level" data-menu="submenu-0"
        li class="go-back"a href="#0"span class="parent_label"/spani class="fa fa-close"/i/a/li
        li class="see-all"a class="hit-area" href="#"Back/ai class="fa fa-chevron-left"/i/li
        li class="menu__item" data-level="1" data-title="Menu Item 1 Level 1"a class="menu__link"Menu Item 1 Level 1/a/li
        li class="menu__item" data-level="1" data-title="Menu Item 2 Level 1"a class="menu__link"Menu Item 2 Level 1/a/li
        li class="menu__item" data-level="1" data-title="Menu Item 3 Level 1"a class="menu__link"Menu Item 3 Level 1/a/li
        li class="menu__item" data-level="1" data-title="Menu Item 4 Level 1"a class="menu__link"Menu Item 4 Level 1/a/li
        li class="menu__item" data-level="1" data-title="Menu Item 5 Level 1"a class="menu__link"Menu Item 5 Level 1/a/li

I'm quite new to the wordpress navwalker, can you help me on this one? I've searched the entire internet, but could not find a solution for my problem so far.

Topic walker functions php menus Wordpress

Category Web

So you need to real name and URL of the parent in the submenu.

You have no info about a post item in your function start_lvl().

But in function start_el() you have the items and could query for it's parent.

This needs some refactoring with putting lines like the if($display_depth > 0){ condition from start_lvl function into your start_el function. Then writing a proper WP query to get the Info's of the parent item you need in the submenu.

To point a bit more specific:

In start_el function you have the var $item which should contain the ID of the post it represents. Should be $itemId = $item->Id. If so you should get the parent with $parentId = wp_get_post_parent_id( $itemId ); and further more you can fetch infos from the parent with the parent ID with some other WP functions.

Hope that helps to find your way..


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