Adding a URL Parameter to JPEG images in posts
To avoid image caching issues, I would like to get WordPress to reference my jpeg images with a URL parameter. I know in javascript I can do this:
img id="idSigma" src="#" class="classSigma"
$(document).ready(function() {
var d = new Date();
$("#idSigma").attr("src", "images/Sigma.jpeg?t=" + d.getTime());
Is there a way I can get wordpress to do this to all of its internal links. For example, if I right click on an image in a blog post and click on open image it would already be pointing to the link with the URL parameter. This will ensure all the images are fresh since I plan on updating them daily. My first thought was to look for this code in media.php but maybe there is a better way than modifying the source code.
Edit, here is what I have so far, it works in my php emulator when I set the $content variable but not doing anything in wordpress:
function add_jpeg_params($content){
preg_match_all("/https?:\/\/[^\/\s]+\/\S+\.(jpg|jpeg)/", $content, $output_array);
$items_to_replace = array_unique($output_array[0]);
$items_to_replace = array_values($items_to_replace);
for ($j = 0; $j sizeof($items_to_replace); $j++) {
$content = preg_replace('~' . $items_to_replace[$j] . '~', $items_to_replace[$j] . '?t=' . time(), $content);
return $content;
I've added this in functions.php in my wordpress theme.
Edit 2: Solution posted below. The hook I needed was 'post_thumbnail_html'.
Topic url-rewriting images cache Wordpress
Category Web