Adding coconut after fermentation
I am attempting to brew the coconut porter as listed in this thread, which is bubbling away nicely at the moment.
It notes:
after fermentation, rack off into PB or somesuch. Then toast 700g dessicated coconut in oven for 40min at 150C or until just turning brown - do not burn!! Add 100g of untoasted coconut to the PB with the 700g of toasted coconut - loose. Leave for 10-14 days, giving a shake around every now and then as the coconut floats to the top.
After my fermentation is complete (I usually leave my brew for 3 weeks, no secondary) would racking it out onto the coconut, into a lidded bucket with no airlock, be suitable?
I've only got one fermentation vessel with airlock available, so I was planning on using my bottling bucket for secondary. It's just got a tight fitting lid with no hole for airlock.
Alternatively I can rack off into bucket, clean the fermentation vessel, then put the beer back in there with the coconut?