Adding gypsum after fermentation
I have found resources that both advocate and highly advise against this practice. We recently brewed a IIPA (Bear Flavored's Heady Topper clone) that has 3lbs of hops, plus hop extract in 14 gallons. We didn't add any gypsum to our 4ppm sulfate water. I want to make this the best beer possible. I tried adding untreated gypsum to a prior IIPA (in the glass) and wasn't thrilled with the results.
-Why does adding gypsum to the strike water/mash differ from adding it to the glass, or to the beer post fermentation? -Would there be any way to mimic adding it to the mash after fermentation? Maybe making a heavily gypsum-ized starter beer, fermenting it, and blending? -What about adding gypsum to boiling water, chilling and adding that to the beer? Does boiling salts change the way they behave on the palette or diffuse into the beer?