Advertisement in Loop Posts wordpress
I'm new here I want some help from you in terms of coding in wordpress. The point is that I want to make advertising between items as shown below:
div class="row top-articles"
$args= array(
'post__not_in'= $excluded
$otherLoop = new WP_Query( $args );
while ($otherLoop - have_posts() ) : $otherLoop-the_post();$i++;
$cat = get_the_category($post-ID)[0];
div class="small-6 top-story-container columns medium-6 large-3"
article class="artikulli-?php echo$cat-slug; ? live"
a href="?php the_permalink();?"
div class="img-container"
div class="inner"
div class="gradient"/div
?php if($videos = get_post_meta($post-ID, 'ecpt_videos','ecpt_foto', true)): ?
i class="icon dotie-icon_video dotie-icon_gallery phone-medium tablet-large desktop-medium"/i
?php endif; ?
?php if($foto = get_post_meta($post-ID, 'ecpt_foto', true)): ?
i class="icon dotie-icon_gallery phone-medium tablet-large desktop-medium"/i
?php endif; ?
?php the_post_thumbnail('250x140'); ?
div class="article-meta equalise"
span class="underline"
?php if($live = get_post_meta($post-ID, 'ecpt_live', true)): ?
span class="live"Live/span
?php endif; ?
?php echo wp_trim_words( get_the_title(), 7 );?
span class="datetime primary-color"
?php echo $cat-cat_name; ?
div class="clearfix"/div
?php endwhile; ?
div class="clearfix"/div