Advice for IPA recipe (with dry mouthfeel)
I have a very simple IPA recipe with a twist which I really liked. It's a single malt (Pale malt, 7EBC Full-grain), single hop IPA, but I 'dryhopped' it with tea.
Single temperature mash @ 66C/150F, for 60 minutes OG:1070Gr/l, Yeast is dry Safale US05. One package (11.5gr) on a 19L batch. don't have my notes here but I think FG was between 1018 or such.
I would like to tweak the recipe in order to achieve a more 'dry' or crisp mouthfeel and flavor (less 'sticky', sugary, syrupy, 'full', malty).
I suspect that would allow the tea flavour to come out and shine a bit more. What are some approaches to consider?
- mash at lower temps (which temps? any specific advice, schedules would be a great help, etc)
- replace % of the malts with rice? (like kuhnhenn double rice IPA)
- replace % of the malts with sugar or syrup?
- use a different yeast with higher attenuation? Which ones?
are some of the approaches I've read about, but I'm unsure. Any of these a good idea? Are there other ways?
Topic rice-hulls homebrew
Category Mac