Alcohol tolerance of wild yeasts
Here's a question... I have made a cider with wild yeast (whatever was on those apples), and after fermenting it out, I used the same yeast to ferment a session mead (OG~1.060, FG~1.004, ABV~7.3%). It gave a really cool and interesting touch to the mead (much better then original cider).
So, after that I've been thinking, about making a stronger mead. Just out of curiosity, what could be the tolerance of those wild yeasts?
I kinda can guess, that it can go up to 15% (as most of the Saccharomyces), but it would be interesting to find out, what exact strain was growing on the apples (isolated to the Northern California region), Saccharomyces paradoxus?
Topic wild-yeast homebrew
Category Mac