Algorithm for rule set optimization
I have hand writed classifiers (there are a lot of them). It's implemented as collection of rule sets IIF - THEN
I want to optimize the % of errors. There some classifiers witch have vey big % of False Positive
and False Negative
During my reserch about this problem i've found RIPPER
alghorytm witch, seems like, was designed to solve this kind of problems.
Also there are Multi Naive Bias
alghorythm that can be helpfull.
As far as i understand, usualy in EA
there is Global Optimization
step, withc usually/sometimes implemented via RIPPER
So, basicly. i have manually generated rule-set
witch i have optimize now, with RIPPER
for example.
Is it true? Can You recomend some literature?
Topic genetic-algorithms optimization classification
Category Data Science