All-Grain to Extract and Steeping
I'm wondering how this can be converted to an extract recipe. Initially it was thought we could just do 14lbs (US 2 row) * .75 = 10.5lbs of extract, but then the question was asked if the rest of the specialty grains would just be steeped like normal? Steeping like 7.75 lbs of grain seems like an awful lot. Should they all be steeped, and if so, any recommendations on how to steep that many lbs?
This 5 gallon Imperial Porter recipe is the product of discussions between the xBrewers involved based on each one’s individual experiences and opinions.
Estimated Stats (at 70% brewhouse efficiency)
PBG: 1.068 SRM: 34.6
OG: 1.100 IBU: 50
FG: 1.024 ABV: 10.2%
Yeast- (this will be the brewer’s choice,
original recipe calls for Wyeast Thames Valley Ale Yeast)
Grain Bill (154 degrees F 90 min mash)
14lbs- US 2 Row
1lb 8oz- UK Brown Malt
1lb- US Chocolate Malt
1lb 8oz- UK Amber Malt
1lb- US Carapils
8oz- UK Wheat
4oz- US Caramel 20L
2lb- US Munich 20L
Hop Schedule (90 min boil)
1 oz- Magnum (90 min)
1/2 oz- UK Fuggle (10 min from end)
1/2 oz- US Willamette (10 min from end)
1/2 oz- UK Fuggle (at turnoff)
1/2 oz- US Willamette (at turnoff)