Apple cider fermentation stuck for 20+ days
I am on my second year producing apple cider at home, and was successful producing 40 liters of apple cider and perry last year, and are through primary fermenting about 40 liters this season. But my last batch of 20 liters, which I set in a bucket 17th September, is stuck still (>20 days). What can I do now? Best course of action?
additives: Pectolase, nutrition salts, 2 table spoons campden powder all added 2 days earlier
temperature: between 20-25 C across 20 days
Specific gravity: Measured 1.050 at 17th September, 1.045 on 9th October. The liquid is very clear, with just very little foam on top, no bubbles or pressure on the air lock. There is no bad smell, a slight smell of yeast.
UPDATE OCT 16TH: The mystery continues. I followed the advice given here, mail ordered for more Lalvin yeast EC-1118, rehydrated and added to bucket on Oct 13th. Now it is Oct 16th, there is no pressure on the air lock, about 20 C, clear liquid, still SG 1.045. pH was estimated with indicator film to between 4 and 5. The new rehydrated yeast also bubbled, I don't think that's the problem. What is wrong? Could there be something toxic to the yeast in the batch? The only substances that comes to mind are traces of Saniclean (phosphoric acid) and dishwashing liquid, but I don't think so. Alternative hypotheses? Should I give up?
Topic stuck-fermentation cider homebrew
Category Mac