Apply query arguments after the nth post

I can't seem to find an answer/solution to this. If there is one out there, please post a link.

My understanding is that in a wp_query, offset refers to the results of the query. So if I set 'offset' = 4, it will ignore the first 4 posts that match the arguments.

What I'm interested in is ignoring the most recent - let's say - 4 posts and only run the query and check for posts that match the arguments starting with the 5th post.

Is this even possible?

Thank you


Let's say I have 10 posts (from newest to oldest):

  • Post 10
  • Post 9
  • Post 8
  • Post 7
  • Post 6
  • Post 5
  • Post 4
  • Post 3
  • Post 2
  • Post 1

Let's assume my query WITHOUT ANY OFFSETTING generates a list of 5 posts:

  • Post 9
  • Post 6
  • Post 4
  • Post 3
  • Post 1

Regardless of how I order my results, if I offset them by 4 (again, based on my understanding of how offset works), I am now left with 1 post. Let's say I leave them ordered by default. Offsetting them gives me a list with only Post 1.

However, if I manage to skip the very first 4 posts before I even run the query (that would be Post 10, Post 9, Post 8, and Post 7) and only after that run the query and not offset the results at all (all other arguments remaining the same), I now get a list of 4 posts: Post 6, Post 4, Post 3, and Post 1.

And this is what I'd like to accomplish.

Topic offsets wp-query Wordpress

Category Web

So adding another answer now I understand your case better. There may be a way to do this with SQL, but probably with WP_Query is neater and inside WP way of doing things:

$excludeArgs = array(
    'orderby' => 'date',
    'order'   => 'DESC',  // descending dates will give you most recent first       

$queryExclude = new WP_Query( $excludeArgs );
$excludeThisMany = 4;
$countExclusions = 0;

$excludeIDs = [];

while ($queryExclude->havePosts() && ($countExclusions < $excludeThisMany)) {
    $excludeIDs[] = the_ID();

$matchArgs = array(
    // whatever you want to match on
    s => 'unicorns -rainbows'

$queryMatch = new WP_Query( $matchArgs );

while ($queryMatch->havePosts()) {
     if (!in_array(the_ID(), $excludeIDs)) {
           // only get here if it's not one of the first exclusions
           // render this stuff

That will do it. I can't test this, but hopefully you get the idea and can fix it if it's not exactly right for you. Remember to add a wp_reset_postdata(); after if you need it to get back to the main post's data.

Sure! There are tons of parameters for WP-Query that can probably do what you want.

Offset is usually used when your data is ordered. So if you want to ignore the two most recent ones you need to order it by date descending first, then set offset = 2. It doesn't matter if you apply any other query parameters you have before or after the date thing - you don't need to do the offset first and then do a second query with other parameters.

You can also add other arguments to the same query if you want it to do something more complicated at the same time, which will apply to all of the results (before and after the offset, which is ok). E.g. search for a search time or choose something in particular category or anything else. But ordering by date is what will help you skip past e.g. the 2 most recent.

Here's how you do that:

$args = array(
    // order by date
    'orderby' => 'date',
    'order'   => 'DESC',  // descending dates will give you most recent first

    // any extra stuff you want, e.g. search for posts with 'car' but not 'red'
    's' => 'car -red',

    // display posts from the 3rd one onwards, so with date order this will skip two most recent
    'offset' => 2

$query = new WP_Query( $args );

If you have a more complicated query you want to do please post more details!


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