Are Wine Bottle Bombs Possible?
tl;dr - Can wine bottles explode?
I've read that when making wine, if fermentation isn't finished, it moght result in a sparkling wine. In the worst case, the cork might get pushed out, due to extra carbonation.
I bottled a mead back in January, and opening it now, it's carbonated. I did not expect that. Past meads didn't do this. This one was aged in a carboy for 5 months, fermented in primary for 1.5 months. Yet it's still fermenting, thus carbonating. Should I be worried about wine-bottle-bombs? Or should I just watch the corks, to see if they are pushing out?
Bottles are being stored on their side, so the corks are kept wet.
If any more info is needed for an answer, let know.
Topic bottle-bomb wine homebrew
Category Mac