Arguments in python function that are not in the function definition?
I have been coming across function calls that use arguments that are not in the function definition. I would like to know how that works (i.e. how the compiler interprets this).
For example, this function call:
interp.plot_confusion_matrix(figsize=(12,12), dpi=60)
uses the variables "figsize" and "dpi", but neither of them turn up in the definition of plot_confusion_matrix
: help(interp.plot_confusion_matrix)
plot_confusion_matrix(normalize: bool = False, title: str = 'Confusion matrix',
cmap: Any = 'Blues', norm_dec: int = 2, slice_size: int = None, **kwargs) - None
method of instance
Plot the confusion matrix, with `title` and using `cmap`.
Why is it not an error to use "figsize" and "dpi" in the function call if they are not arguments of the function? How does this work in python?
Category Data Science