Beersmith Safale T-58 attenuation
I've just measured the final gravity of a Belgian beer I've been brewing and it came out 4 points below the expected according to Beersmith: 1.022 rather than 1.018. It was 14 days in the fermenter. I should say that I haven't controlled the gravity throughout the fermentation so I'm not sure it finished. Now, my issue is that Beersmith's database marks the T-58 with a 71-75 range but Fermentis sheet says 70%. According to my measurements (OG 1.078, FG 1.022) Beersmith's says that the calculated attenuation was 70%, which is spot on with the value in the Safale's sheet. Could Beersmith's values be wrong or could I be missing something here? I'm a novice so apologies if I don't make much sense.
Topic beersmith attenuation yeast homebrew
Category Mac