Beginner advice on hop weights, scheduling and "alcohol taste"
I haven't brewed in a couple of years and am getting back up to speed.
I'm starting off with a small 10L fermentation using extract.
Azacca (11.9% AA), citra (12.8% AA) and lemondrop (5% AA) hops + Belle Saison yeast - you can probably guess the style I'm aiming for - hoppy, fruity, citrussy saison.
Target IBU of 100.
- 0.25kg extra light DME at the start of the boil, hot break.
- 1.75kg extra light DME late addition 15m before flame out.
- 0.1-0.3kg dextrose at flameout.
Target O.G. = 1.074-1.084, Target F.G. = 1.014, Target Abv. = 7.8-9.2%.
Recommended yeast temperature range is 15-35C.
Some questions:
1) What is the concencus on 30min hop additions? Recent reading seems to indicate that big IPA flavours can just be achieved through bittering hops, little-to-no middle additions, but then a lot of late additions, 10mins or later. I've also read on here that hop constituents and their interactions are too complex to worry about such defined time intervals, and that 60min, 30m and 15-0min additions are still the "norm" as you get a good spread of boil times across your hops
2) For a target fermentation volume of 10L, what weight of hops would I "expect" to use? 20g of each variety maybe? I do not want this to be a bland beer and I have no idea how much hop flower to throw in to the brew for the flavour. Obviously it's not something that Brewer's Friend can calculate!
3) Should I calculate my hop schedule starting from flavour/aroma additions back to using the highest AA hops to achieve the bulk of my desired bitterness?
4) I have done about 5 extract brews in the past. Mostly of an IPA style. I have found that 7-7.5% ABV is a very good balance between the beer having body (I don't use adjucts to supplement mouthfeel at this time) and not having an unpleasant alcohol taste, like vodka. I suppose yeast is a big factor here, and I've not used the yeast specified here before. I've always used Safale US-05. Is there anything I can do with my recipe to avoid this alcolol taste? I would like to hit the 9% mark with this brew, the yeast is certainly capable of it.
5) Is 11g of yeast too much for a 10L brew?
Thank you for reading :)
Topic extract-brewing hops homebrew
Category Mac