Brewing a 1860-1890 IPA
My wonderful wife bought me a book on the history of IPAs for Christmas, which I have read a couple of times. This book has some extracts from old brew logs regarding the proportions of malts and quantities of Hops to use. Equally for primary fermentation I intend to use a London Ale Yeast.
But, this is where I have been debating what to do. It mentions that these IPAs were matured in large oak vats, and we all know were transported over seas. They that these vats were likely to have Brett and other wild yeasts.
Any better ideas how I should go about replicating this secondary fermentation? I was thinking to chuck into the secondary Brett + 1'' oak cubes.
Also, how concerned should I be about infecting my basement with Brett or similar wild bugs?
And, anything any of you wish you had been told before you did your first Brett/Wild/Lambic brew?
Topic brettanomyces ipa homebrew
Category Mac