Brewing with a concentrated wort
I'm living in a condo with no outdoors space and a mere 12" clearing on my stovetop. One-gallon all-grain batches are easy, but I'm trying to figure out some logistics for going larger... aside from buying a portable induction cooktop for use elsewhere in the kitchen! I've read a number of recipes that call for "topping off to X" in the fermenter (carboy in my case).
What are reasonable limits to making a concentrated wort (say, for a non-imperial, non-hop-bomb beer)? To what extent can I load up my pot with grain and produce the initial wort, then boil, chill, and add water?
Hopefully this doesn't broaden the question too much, but are there any notable drawbacks to brewing like this? I found this answer about full wort boils, but the comments refer to extract, whereas I'm thinking about all-grain.
Topic small-space small-batch wort homebrew
Category Mac