Calculating alcohol percentage after diluting with a sugar syrup
I am making Limoncello, I have added 8 lemon zests to 1 liter of 96% alcohol and put everything in a big glass container.
After 1 month I started making the real liqueur by diluting the alcohol down with a sugar syrup. The sugar syrup consists of a dilution of 800 grams sugar in 1 liter of water.
I've put the big container on a scale, used the tare button to put it to zero. In all my silliness I've decided to use the scale/a weight factor in order to 'measure' my dilution - so I went on and added 1 kilogram of my sugar syrup.
I think that the next time it would be better to measure an amount of 1 liter of sugar syrup instead of 1 kilogram - but I am still thinking about this.
Now I am calculating like crazy, but I cannot really figure it out. The most simple and erroneous calculation would be to say:
1 L alcohol + 1 Liter/Kilogram sugar syrup = 2 Liter/Kilograms
1 L alcohol = 96%
2 L mixture = 96 / 2 = 48%
But I know this is wrong. I however cannot figure out how and why this is wrong. Diluting alcohol with water will work this way, I guess. But the added parts sugar to the water makes it hard. So the questions are:
- How much alcohol do I have in my mixture?
- How do I calculate alcohol percentages after diluting with a certain sugar syrup concentration?
Topic dilution alcohol-content homebrew
Category Mac