Can absolute or relative contributions from X be calculated for a multiplicative model? $\log{ y}$ ~ $\log {x_1} + \log{x_2}$
(How) can absolute or relative contributions be calculated for a multiplicative (log-log) model?
Relative contributions from a linear (additive) model
E.g., there are 3 contributors to $y$ (given by the three additive terms):
$$y = \beta_1 x_{1} + \beta_2 x_{2} + \alpha$$
In this case, I would interpret the absolute contribution of $x_1$ to $y$ to be $\beta_1 x_{1}$, and the relative contribution of $x_1$ to $y$ to be:
$$\frac{\beta_1 x_{1}}{y}$$
(assuming everything is positive)
Relative contributions from a log-log (multiplicative) model
In log-space, a model could take the following form:
$$\log{y} = \beta_1 \log{x_{1}} + \beta_2 \log{x_{2}} + \alpha$$
which in the 'real-world', assumes the following form:
$$y = e^\alpha x_{1}^{\beta_1}x_{2}^{\beta_2}$$
But (how) can absolute or relative contributions be calculated from such a multiplicative (log-log) model? i.e., (how) can we calculate how much $x_1$ contributes to $y$? For example if $e^\alpha=10$, and $x_1^{\beta_1} = 100$ and $x_2^{\beta_2} = 1000$, then $y = 10^6$, but what portion of that 1,000,000 was contributed to by $x_1$?
Topic logarithmic linear-models interpretation data-science-model
Category Data Science