Can I make a 10g batch with a 16g kettle?
I'm planning an upgrade to my 5 gallon setup to do 10 gallon batches. In BeerSmith, I've created an equipment profile to estimate my pre-boil volume. Assuming 1 gallon evaporation per hour (I know this is high, but I'm being conservative), and 1 gallon lost to trub, BeerSmith tells me I will have a pre-boil volume of 13.46 gallons.
I live in Canada, so my buying options are limited. This kettle is a good deal, but has a capacity of only 16 gallons.
Can I boil 13.5 gallons in a 16 gallon kettle, or will I be fighting against boil-overs every brew day?
Topic batch-size boil-kettle homebrew
Category Mac