Can I rescue a batch that may not have had enough water at its start?
I have a high-gravity belgian ale, which after 3 weeks of fermentation is holding at 1.058--very, very sweet to the taste. Its first few days of fermentation were very active, and I fear I may not have topped it off quite enough. I'll be digging through my notes to determine if that's the case.
If it is true that I started with too little water (and I took a shortcut and skipped taking an OG reading--stupid) then is it possible to rescue the batch by adding distilled or boiled and cooled water?
After further review I think this is actually a stuck fermentation. I considered the possibility I was low on water due to using a new carboy which I quickly marked with gradations--and was concerned I had inaccurate markings.
Topic mistakes stuck-fermentation water homebrew
Category Mac