It's not clear which malt you mean - there no "Aroma" malt from Weyermann. It could be either CaraAroma or Aromatic malt.
This you can steep with no concerns about the starches. CaraAroma is a crystal malt, which has had all the starches pre-converted to simpler sugars by the maltster. Steeping at 160°F is fine for this malt.
Aromatic Malt
Aromatic Malt is like a stronger version of munich. It's a lower EBC that you state, I list it here in case this was the one you intended.
Sometimes the difference between steeping and doing a mini mash is more about what you call it rather than any significant the practical differences or extra equipment.
If you steep the aromatic grains on their own at 150F-155F you will in fact have a mini mash. The grains will self-convert, so you'll break down the starch into sugars, avoiding starch haze, which is the only reason you might want to mash rather than a regular steep. In this case, a mini mash is just a steep at slightly lower temperature than the usual 160F for a steep.
If you steeped the aromatic malt with other grains as normal, the diastatic power may be diluted too much to convert the starches in any useful timeframe, and you risk getting starch haze in the beer.
With the new malt information given, you can simply go ahead and steep with the rest of the grains. If you want to avoid starch haze, you could do a mini mash with just the aroma malt an equal amount of 2-row, but this is just cosmetic.