can pH strips go bad? / 5.2 stabilizer
So I just recently started paying attention to mash pH. Took a reading of a cali common I brewed about 10 days ago during the mash, and based on the strips reading (after adding the stabilizer), I was probably around 3.8pH. Added another tbspn of stabilizer. Not much different on the pH strip. No acid malt in the bill, just 2-row, touch of caramel, munich.
[knock wood] the beer turned out fine, tastes like a great representation of the style that I may even enter in a comp or two. I have also since read that the pH stabilizer belongs in the garbage.
Two questions, as I am planning on doing a lot of lager brewing in the next 6 months:
1.) Can you hit style guidelines with inaccurate/inappropriate mash pH's 2.) Was my pH really as low as it indicated, or could there have been problems with the strips?