Cannot see what the "notation abuse" is, mentioned by author of book
From Sutton and Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (second edition draft), in equation 3.4 of page 38.
The probabilities given by the four-argument function p completely characterize the dynamics of a finite MDP. From it, one can compute anything else one might want to know about the environment, such as the state-transition probabilities (which we denote, with a slight abuse of notation, as a threeargument function
$p(s^{'} | s, a) \dot{=}Pr\{S_t=s^{'} | S_{t-1} = s, A_{t-1}=a\} = \sum_{r\in{R}}{p(s^{'},r|s,a)}$
The author mentioned, with a slight abuse of notation. where is the abuse in the notation please? I didn't see anything that is not proper.
Thank you.
Topic notation reinforcement-learning
Category Data Science