Categorization of approaches to deal with imbalanced classes
What is the best way to categorize the approaches which have been developed to deal with imbalance class problem?
This article categorizes them into:
- Preprocessing: includes oversampling, undersampling and hybrid methods,
- Cost-sensitive learning: includes direct methods and meta-learning which the latter further divides into thresholding and sampling,
- Ensemble techniques: includes cost-sensitive ensembles and data preprocessing in conjunction with ensemble learning.
The second classification:
- Data Pre-processing: includes distribution change and weighting the data space. One-class learning is considered as distribution change.
- Special-purpose Learning Methods
- Prediction Post-processing: includes threshold method and cost-sensitive post-processing
- Hybrid Methods:
The third article:
- Data-level methods
- Algorithm-level methods
- Hybrid methods
The last classification also considers output adjustment as an independent approach.
Thanks in advance.