Check beer for unfermentable sugars?
I did my first homebrew a fortnight ago, an american IPA BIAB-style on the stovetop. I ended up with a low OG (~1.045 - target was 1.075) and now after two weeks of fermentation a high FG too (~1.026). I have tried readded some dry yeast but a day later the gravity has not changed.
After a little reading it looks like one of two things went wrong: I forgot to shake the carboy to aerate it maybe I mashed at the wrong temperature - I heated to strike temp OK but then just left the pot (covered) for an hour without any insulation without checking the temp. Apparently if you mash too low then you can convert the wrong kind of sugar for the yeast, which is ringing true here.
Is there a quick way to check if the beer is full of unfermentable sugars?
As an aside, would you even bother to bottle such a low-ABV high-sugar beer if that is indeed what has happened? It smells like beer mixed with syrup..
Topic biab stuck-fermentation mash homebrew
Category Mac