Check if distribution per week is the same
I have sales by customer (b2b) and by date. I want to check if the distribution per day inside weeks remains the same from week to week.
Initial dataset
Customer | Date | Sales |
Alpha | 2019-02-23 | 527 |
Beta | 2019-02-23 | 642 |
Alpha | 2019-02-24 | 776 |
... | ... | ... |
Beta | 2021-07-28 | 1236 |
I transformed it into
Customer | Week | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Alpha | 201906 | 0.2202 | 0.15799 | 0.178202 | 0.160449 | 0.1528 | 0.130214 | 0.000067 |
Beta | 201906 | 0.20573 | 0.183979 | 0.182207 | 0.179824 | 0.140596 | 0.107601 | 0.000061 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Beta | 202130 | 0.219794 | 0.181995 | 0.172113 | 0.156676 | 0.151771 | 0.117579 | 0.000072 |
Any ideas on how to tackle this?
Topic hypothesis-testing distribution statistics
Category Data Science