Check if is on child-page of a particular page
I am trying to output a logo depending on which page is being viewed.
?php if ( is_page('home') || is_page('services') ) { ?
div class="col-md-2 col-sm-4"
?php ci_e_logo('h1 class="logo ' . get_logo_class() . '"', '/h1'); ?
?php }
else { ?
div class="col-md-2 col-sm-4"
h1 class="logo imglogo"
a href=""
img src="?php echo get_bloginfo('template_directory');?/images/picturehere.png" alt="title here"/a
?php } ?
The code above works fine, but how do apply the logo image swap on the sub-pages of the 'services'?
Topic child-pages pages Wordpress
Category Web