Chilling wort before pitching yeast
I know it is important to chill wort to 80 before pitching yeast, and that quality of final beer is affected by the speed with which the wort was chilled to this point, and there are various methods of doing this, wort chillers, ice baths etc. The instructions on the extract kit (NB) say when it is cooled, transfer to a container containing 2 gallons of cold water.
My question is, why not keep 2 gallons of water chilled in the fridge, and add this directly to the wort immediately after the boil? this will cool the wort to pitching temperature immediately, which will surely reduce the risk of issues!? I use gallon jugs of spring water so there should not be any contaminants in the water.
is there a good reason why i should NOT do this? i used this method for my last batch and do not detect any issues, but as its so easy i am surprized i have not come across this as a recomended technique (and negate the need for buying a chiller).