Chossing between regression models

This is the first time I attempt to use machine learning with Keras. In contrast to others I need to use one of the disadvantage of such algorithms.

I need a function that accepts an angle and distance to an object and output a new angle and power (imagine aiming for an object with a bow for example and the algorithm tells me how far up my arm should go and the bow's power). There's nothing predictive in this configuration. I will generate a large set of 4D (input,output) data with every possible case. I want the AI to evaluate some inputs and return the corresponding outputs for that set of inputs, in other words to remember the data and output the same numbers.

I need an AI for this task because I need smooth values between inputs values it has never seen (limited interpolation)

I have used two models:

model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(12, input_dim=2, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(24, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(24, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(24, activation='sigmoid'))
model.add(Dense(2, activation='linear'))

Which now I know is incorrect because Sigmoid is used for binary classification. Still, it works! I end up with a mse of 4. I did not manage the get the same loss with all-ReLu layers with the same # of epochs.

model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(12, input_dim=2, activation='relu'))

model.add(Dense(24, activation='linear'))

model.add(Dense(24, activation='linear'))

model.add(Dense(2, activation='linear'))

This models has a loss of 5.43 after 500 epochs and seems to stabillize here.


  1. I am forced to retrain the model because I generate the training data very fast. I need to stay with a model that will keep going reduce its loss.
  2. Normalization is worse than anything I have seen.
  3. Because my model should be sensitive to different very close inputs, I tested with batch values from 5 to 2.
  4. My dataset is currently 1100 of lines
  5. This model will be trained very closely to the data I give it. It should not matter how many lines I feed it because I don't want prediction or generalization. I want the AI to output what it has seen for a corresponding set of inputs. That would mean overfitting the AI to the maximum until it reaches a very low loss. Then I can test it for exactly those values it was trained on.

Should I continue with the first model? Does it make sense to use the Sigmoid layer? How can the second model be improved?

Sample of my data:

theta[-90,90], distance [0,40],  theta_output[-90,90] power[0,1,2]

Topic keras interpolation regression machine-learning

Category Data Science

The suggestion in the comment is appropriate.

Still, if you want to try NN, you may try these suggestions -

- None of the models seems best as per general guidlines
- Keep ReLu as all the hidden layer, linear for last layer(Regression)
- Standardization/Normalization must be done before training
- Add Batch normalization layer

Can also try
Since your output seems like Classes [0,1,2]. Try a Classification model for power and a Regression model for output angle
For classification - last activation - Softmax, Loss - categorical_cross_entropy, Label - one-hot encoded


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