Cloning wordpress intsall on mac
I'm having a problem with cloning my local website. I'm using a mac OS10.10.3, php 5.5.2 and mysql 5.6.23. Im not using MAMP, just the php bundled inside the mac and I manually installed mysql.
I can install a new wordpress site in the localhost and I can successfully migrate from local to live but when I try to clone a website or migrate a site from live to local screen turns white.. my process for cloning/migrating are as follows:
- create a new folder called "new-site" inside localhost to store wordpress files
- copy fresh wordpress inside "new-site"
- copy plugins, themes, uploads and wp-config from the old-site I'm cloning inside "new-site" and change dbname, dbpass, dbhost
- create new db for new-site
- export db from old-site then dump, replace URLs
- import old-site db to new-site db
Need help