Codex Function Problems When There is an Apostrophe in the Category Name
I'm working on a site, largely managed by categories. Two of the categories have apostrophes in them... ex. "Joe's Place" and "Tina's Lounge". (Actual titles changed, these are examples...) The category slugs are "joes-place" and "tinas-lounge".
The customer asked for a breadcrumb on the site... Unfortunately the breadcrumb call fails whenever the category has an apostrophe in its name. The failure occurs at the call to get_cat_ID. Oh, and when the breadcrumb fails, the whole page fails. Here is a fragment of my breadcrumb code...
if ( is_category() )
// single_cat_title() Displays or returns the page title if a category
// or tag archive is queried.
$catTitle = single_cat_title( "", false );
echo '!-- $catTitle:'.$catTitle." --"; // troubleshooting line...
$cat = get_cat_ID( $catTitle );
echo '!-- $cat: '.$cat."--"; // troubleshooting line
echo "li ". get_category_parents_custom( $cat, TRUE, ' raquo; ' ) ."/li";
get_cat_ID simply returns a 0
. Uh-oh... when I look close at my troubleshooting code, I can see that $catTitle returns Joe#8217;s Place
Ouch.. Its really not clear on exactly what format is required where the apostrophe is concerned. When I dig further and further in codex core, I can see get_cat_ID calls a function get_term_by()
that warns "$value is not HTML-escaped for the 'name' $field. You must do it yourself, if required." I'm assuming that's my issue. but, what does it mean to "HTML-Escape" a string?
I tried $catTitle2 = htmlspecialchars_decode($catTitle);
no go there.
I tried $catTitle2 = esc_html($catTitle);
no go there.
In both of those previous functions, the string never changes a bit.
I tried manually introducing the string "Joe's Place" to the call, and WOW, that totally worked.
In the meantime I will do a simple string replace function, but that seems like such a hack.
Is there a php or wordpress function that will convert the string #8217;
back to a simple apostrophe? What is the right way to fix this problem?
Update: I stumbled upon this posting: My quick fix consists of a bit of code suggested there with a small modification:
$catTitleCorrected = html_entity_decode(str_replace("#8217;","'",$catTitle));
Topic htmlspecialchars-decode breadcrumb Wordpress
Category Web