Column sum in SPSS (with filter and grouped by date)?
device date act power 1 react power 2
M1 05-02 2 3
M2 05-02 4 2
M3 05-02 3 4
M1 06-02 1 2
M2 07-02 3 4
------- -------
need sum need sum
Say that I only need the sum of M1 and M2 from that table. How could I add a variable that contains the sum of power group by date and device?
I don't know if it is desired to have something like this? Or how can I use descriptive statistics to filter away the other devices just to have M1 and M2 only.
device date SUM (actpower1) SUM(reactpower2)
M1+M2 05-02 6 5
Topic automatic-summarization spss data
Category Data Science