Compare time value in WP_User_Query for sending emails
I am trying to setup a custom plugin that will compare the time (last activity of a user) and send emails to them. I am using the below WP_User_Query and a cron job
function reminder_email() {
// Get the contributors and authors who haven't logged in for 60 days - DO I NEED TO SET UP W3C Total Cache IN SOMEWAY IN ORDER FOR THE Query TO WORK? I DONT HAVE DB OR OBJECT CACHE ENABLED
$remind_users = new WP_User_Query( [ // or new \WP_User_Query syntax?? not sure
'role' = [ 'contributor', 'author', ],
'meta_key' = 'last_activity',
'meta_value' = strtotime( '-60 days' ), // IS THIS CORRECT? HOW TO COMPARE THE last_activity 'Y-m-d H:i:s' WITH THE LAST 60 DAYS
'meta_compare' = '',
] );
if ( ! empty( $remind_users ) ) {
foreach( $remind_users-get_results() as $user ) {
$message = sprintf( 'Hello %1$s,' , $user-first_name ) . brbr;
$message .= sprintf( 'Have you forgot us? Please visit our site again.' ) .br;
wp_mail( $user-user_email , 'Reminder Email for You', $message );
add_action( 'reminder_email', 'reminder_email' );
The last_activity
meta_key stores the time in 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.
- Can i use the strtotime( '-60 days' ) for getting all the users that have not been active for 60 days?
- What is the difference between
new WP_User_Query
andnew \WP_User_Query
syntax? - Inside the same function can i use another similar WP_User_Query to send different emails to other type of roles? So to avoid creating 2 cron jobs for this.
I have tried to do :
$today = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
$remind_users = new WP_User_Query( [
'role__in' = array( 'contributor', 'administrator' ),
'meta_key' = 'last_activity',
'meta_query' = array(
'key' = 'last_activity',
'value' = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', strtotime($today . '-60 days')),
'compare' = '',
'type' = 'DATE' // Let WordPress know we're working with date
] );
But doesn't give me the users with last activity before 60 days ago. What am i doing wrong here :(
Any help would be appriciated!
Topic wp-user-query wp-cron comparison date-time Wordpress
Category Web