Convert textarea with wp_editor
I have a custom tabbed menu which has some input fields that works properly. I followed this tutorial:
But, I need to replace the textarea input for the rich text element. I tried to use the function wp_editor() but I do not know how to pass the id from the textarea.
How can I add or manage de editor inside? I saw some tutorials but still with problems.
Thanks in advance
This is de Code:
This is the code.
Here. I create de field:
'Textarea Element',
__( 'Textarea a TinyMCE', 'mymenu' ),
'input _section'
And here I made and echo to show it on my admin page:
function textarea_element_callback() {
$options = get_option( 'theme_input_examples' );
echo 'textarea id="textarea_example" name=" theme_input_examples[textarea_example]" rows="5" cols="40"' . $options['textarea_example'] . '/textarea';
This is the menu where I display the textarea:
__( 'Opfolgning pa kontrakt', 'mymenu' ),
__( 'Opfolgning pa kontrakt', ' mymenu ' ),
create_function( null, 'theme_display( "input_examples_4" );' )