CPT issue: Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback

I'm getting an error on the admin screen for the custom post type. I've searched lots of other answers but see nothing in my code that could be causing it. Here's my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

// Register the post types and taxonomys
add_action('init', 'register_post_types');
function register_post_types(){ 
// Property Post Type
$labels = array(
    'name'               = __('Properties'),
    'singular_name'      = __('Property'),
    'add_new'            = __('Add New'),
    'add_new_item'       = __('Add New Property'),
    'edit_item'          = __('Edit Property'),
    'new_item'           = __('New Property'),
    'view_item'          = __('View Property'),
    'search_items'       = __('Search Properties'),
    'not_found'          = __('Nothing found'),
    'not_found_in_trash' = __('Nothing found in Trash'),
    'parent_item_colon'  = '',

$args = array(
    'labels'               = $labels,
    'public'               = true,
    'publicly_queryable'   = true,
    'show_ui'              = true,
    'register_meta_box_cb' = 'custom_meta_boxes',
    'query_var'            = true,
    'menu_icon'            = null,
    'rewrite'              = true,
    'capability_type'      = 'post',
    'hierarchical'         = false,
    'menu_position'        = 5,
    'supports' = array( 'title', 'editor', 'genesis-seo', 'thumbnail','genesis-cpt-archives-settings' ),
    'has_archive' = true,

register_post_type('property' , $args);

// Property Taxonomy
$taxononmy_args = array(
    'hierarchical'   = true, 
    'label'          = "Categories", 
    'singular_label' = "Category", 
    'rewrite'        = true,
    'show_admin_column' = TRUE

register_taxonomy("property_categories", array("property"), $taxononmy_args);

Topic warnings custom-post-types Wordpress

Category Web

where is your custom_meta_boxes function where you are adding your meta boxes?

Please see this URL for creating a custom meta box for the custom post type. After adding this function your code will work fine.

I've removed the custom_meta_boxes. I don't have to have them and it solves the problem. I still don't understand why they were a problem, but if I can do without them I will.

I appreciate everyone's efforts.

Note: rolling back to 4.7 made no difference.


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