Create a CUstom Archive by Year, but just for a Single Category
I have a request from my designer to create a list of links to a page that only shows posts published by year and that belong to a specific category.
So here is the design:
I've found a function that can force my Archive to be just by year
* Load Archive Widget by Year
function my_limit_archives( $args ) {
$args['type'] = 'yearly';
return $args;
add_filter( 'widget_archives_args', 'my_limit_archives' );
add_filter( 'widget_archives_dropdown_args', 'my_limit_archives' );
This is fine, as it does show what I want, although those links all push to just to show ALL posts published in 2018.
The problem is I need a version of this which only shows a specific category, not ALL posts. So like{category-name}/2018