creating a custom post template
I want to customize my individual posts. I have an example of what I'm trying to achieve below. Would I make a custom post template for this? If so how would I do this? Or should I add to my single.php? Thanks in advance.
What I want my individual post pages to look like. I want two pictures side by side that are the full width of the page. Text. One picture that is the full width of the page. Text. One picture thats starts at the left edge of the page and has text next to it. And then one full width picture.
Here is my single.php
if (have_posts()) :
while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?
article class="post"
?php wpb_set_post_views(get_the_ID()); ?
div class="post-info"
h1 class="post-title"?php the_title(); ?/h1
h2 class="post-date"?php echo strip_tags(get_the_term_list( $post-ID, 'location', 'Location: ', ', ', ' • ' ));??php the_date('F m, Y'); ?/h2
div class="post-content"?php the_content(); ?/div
?php comments_template(); ?
?php endwhile;
else :
echo 'pNo content found/p';
Any insight would help. I know how I want it to look, I just don't exactly know how to achieve it.
Topic theme-development posts customization custom-post-types Wordpress
Category Web