Creating a database in my plugin not working
Good day everyone, I've been trying to add a table in my database for a whole day now, and I can't seem to find the error, I looked into multiple similar questions, but I had my syntax similar to all of them, and I followed the Codex when adding dbDelta().
if( !function_exists('transaction_draft_save') ){
//1, 234, donation, monday june 5 2018, give monthly, 10, usd, incomplete
function transaction_draft_save($user_id, $full_name, $email,
$invoiceNumber, $plan_type, $date, $membership_type, $plan_price, $currency,
global $taylormemorial_options;
global $wpdb;
$dbprefix = '';
$dbprefix = $wpdb-prefix;
$table_name = $wpdb-prefix ."user_transactions";
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' );
$sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . $table_name . " (
'user_id' TEXT NOT NULL,
'full_name' TEXT NOT NULL,
'email' TEXT NOT NULL,
'invoiceNumber' TEXT NOT NULL,
'plan_type' TEXT NOT NULL,
'membership_type' TEXT NOT NULL,
'plan_price' INT NOT NULL,
'currency' TEXT NOT NULL,
'payment_method' TEXT NOT NULL,
'status' TEXT NOT NULL,
dbDelta( $sql );
Another notice, is that Im calling this function in another page to pass the variables. If i return $sql variable and var_dump the function, it shows the query just fine, so scope is not the problem. I checked once and twice and three times, but can't seem to find the root of the problem, if anyone can provide help, would really appreciate it and thank you.