Creating a tincture extract question
Good afternoon, guys.
I never done tincturing before, and actually just saw a recipe for Capsicumel (jalapeno mead or methodology). The recipe states adding 2 peppers into the primary when the ABV reaches 10%, and at the same time put 3 peppers in 175ml (6oz) of vodka... After 3-4 weeks use the created peppered vodka to adjust the taste of the mead to desired one. So, since I'm new to this method, my questions are:
- After soaking peppers in vodka for 4-6 weeks, do I just add to the batch (obviously oz by oz) straight?
- Can it be done with other ingredients like oak chips, spice (cinnamon, etc), berries (juniper, etc), herbs (wormwood, heather, etc), hops etc.
- What can I use besides vodka? I'm thinking about bourbon or brandy for creating oak tincture...
- Is there anything I should try to watch out?
Thank you very much in advance.
Topic spiced ingredients mead homebrew
Category Mac