Custom media upload content for inserting custom post shortcode
I’m working on a plugin that creates custom post type “portfolio” along with shortcode to insert in any page or post.
The shortcode is: [portfolio option1=“1” option2=“0” option3=“1” ]
And it works just fine, it shows all custom posts via custom WP_query
. But I want to go further.
Create a custom button next to upload media
for generating a portfolio shortcode output, where user can select which post to include and define all options.
So the output would be: [portfolio option1=“1” option2=“0” option3=“1” ids=“12,311,432,443,” ]
This is the code for a button I found in wp’s media.php:
add_action( 'media_buttons', array( $this, 'media_buttons' ) );
public function media_buttons($editor_id = 'content') {
$post = get_post();
if ( ! $post ! empty( $GLOBALS['post_ID'] ) )
$post = $GLOBALS['post_ID'];
wp_enqueue_media( array(
'post' = $post
) );
$img = 'span class="wp-media-buttons-icon"/span ';
echo 'a href="#" id="insert-media-button" class="button insert-media add_media" data-editor="' . esc_attr( $editor_id ) . '" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Add Portfolio' ) . '"' . $img . __( 'Add Portfolio' ) . '/a';
And it does what does. But, now, what it the best way to modify the content of created window? Here’s a picture of how I see it, it’s better that any description:
How potentially complicated and tricky this would be to accomplish?
I do not know what direction should I look to, is that even possible? Please advise any suggestions where should I start digging for solution.
P.S.: Or maybe I'm wrong in the first place and should consider using ThickBox? But I want to the keep native look of the media upload popup.
Well, maybe a much better solution would be to use native gallery shortcode pattern. It not difficult to add a new menu item in the media upload window, as it explained for example here.
So the final vision is something like this:
It must be done with Backbone.js I believe? But the main question, can it manipulate custom posts instead of images?
Topic shortcode thickbox plugin-development plugins custom-post-types Wordpress
Category Web