Custom post type single page uses the right template in preview mode but shows a different template after being posted
I've been developing a Wordpress theme. I've created a custom post type called blog in functions.php.
// Blog Post Type Creation
function te_blog_type() {
"rewrite" = array("slug" = "blogs"),
"labels" = array(
"name" = "Blogs",
"singular_name" = "Blog",
"add_new_item" = "Add New Blog",
"edit_item" = "Edit Blog"
"menu-icon" = "dashicons-format-status",
"public" = true,
"has_archive" = true,
"supports" = array(
"title", "thumbnail", "editor", "excerpt", "comments"
"taxonomies" = array("category", "post_tag", "blog_tag")
add_action("init", "te_blog_type");
It's been working fine.
I also created a single-blog.php file as template for each blog post. When I preview the blog post. It's using the right template from single-blog.php. However, when I actually post the blog, it's showing the index.php as the template. What caused this?
Topic previews templates theme-development custom-post-types Wordpress
Category Web